Friday, October 7, 2011

Alva's Twister Class

The other day I took a twister class called Square Dance taught by Alva, at one of our local quilt shops.  Have you ever seen this ruler...
This ruler looks so simple but what an impact the results make.
This is what I started with, random scrap 5X5 squares, sewn together in rows.

Some people used a charm pack which gave it more of  matchy look between the fabrics. If you have read my previous posts, I had bought a few metres of Mr. Wiskers fabric and was waiting to find a use for it......I found it. So then I added the borders.
Then with this fancy twister ruler and Alva guiding us along, this is what transpired.

I would have never guessed that this is what was going to come of the fabrics that I had choosen. I took it home and finished it today.

Now I could just leave it as a wall hanging but I personally have no use for a wall hanging so I have BIG plans for this. Updates to follow......................


  1. I really like it so far :)

  2. I love it, it looks so complicated but I bet it isn't!! love the cool stuff you can do!

  3. Showing off your quilts at work.
    Ashley & Andrea liked it but thought it was a lot of work!!!
